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Zhou Tongquan

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Zhou Tongquan

205 Luoshi Road, Wuhan city,

Hubei province, P.R.C.

Postal code: 430079


QQ: 516744894


2006-2008 Beijing Normal University, Beijing city; Postdoctorate diploma in psychology; Research report: On the study of subject/object-extracted relative clauses’ processing in Chinese.

2001-2004 Huazhong Normal University, Wuhan city, Hubei province; Ph.D. in Linguistics & Applied linguistics; Dissertation: The study of Chinese verbs’ valence theory & their neuropsychological mechanism.

1992-1995 Shandong University, Jinan, Shandong province; MA degree in English linguistics; Dissertation: On human body movement communication

1983-1986 Hubei Institute for Nationalities, Enshi city, Hubei province; Diploma in English language and literature.

Academic positions

1986-1990 Assistant, Foreign Languages Department, Hubei Institute for Nationalities, Enshi city, Hubei province.

1994-2004 Lecturer, Foreign Languages Department, Hubei Institute for Nationalities, Enshi city, Hubei province.

2004-2011 Associate professor, School of Foreign Languages, Huazhong Normal University, Wuhan city, Hubei province.

2011-Present Professor, School of Foreign Languages, Huazhong Normal University, Wuhan city, Hubei province.

2009-2012 Visiting professor with the School of Foreign Languages, Hubei Institute for Nationalities, Enshi city, Hubei province.

Work Experience

2004-present Teaching English in the School of Foreign Languages, Huazhong Normal University

2013-2014 Doing research as a visiting scholar in the Northwestern University of USA

1995-2001 Teaching English in the foreign languages department of Hubei Institute for Nationalities

1986-1990 working as a political counsellor in the foreign languages department of Hubei Institute for Nationalities

Major courses that have been provided to students

(1) General Linguistics (to undergraduates);

(2) Formal Syntax (to postgraguates);

(3) Cognitive Linguistics (to postgraguates);

(4) General English (to undergraduates);

(5) English writing (to undergraduates);

(6) English stylistics (to undergraduates)

Major speeches at international and national conferences

(1) On the syntactic and semantic aspects of fictive motion expressions in English; The 1stnational

Lexicology Teaching and Research Conference in China, Wuahan: Huazhong Normal University, June, 2011.

(2) Chinese relative clauses’ processing mechanism; The 13th China’s Contemporary Linguistics Conference, Shanghai: East China Normal University, Oct., 2010.

(3) On the neurological and psychological basis of philosophy of mind; The 1stConference on Philosophy of Mind and Language Research, Yichang: China Three Gorges University, in Dec, 2010.

(4) On integrated verbs’ valence: A cross-linguistic study; The 12thChina’s Contemporary Linguistics Conference, Wuhan: Huazhong Normal University, Oct., 2008.

(5) A new look at Chinese compounds from the perspective of integration theory; The 3rdForeign Languages Forum for Ph.D. Scholars in China, Harbin: Heilongjiang University, Jan., 2008.

(6) On Chinese relative clauses’ processing: Evidence from aphasic studies; The 1st International Cognitive Neuroscience Conference, Beijing: Beijing Normal University, May, 2007

(7) On the quality and quantity effects of Chinese verbs’ valence; The 2nd Lexical Semantics Conference (International), Xiamen: Xiamen University, May, 2005.

(8) The logic valence-based Chinese verbs’ valence system; The 4th Graduates Forum on Linguistics (International), Hongkong: Hongkong University, Oct., 2003

Major Publications

A. Academical papers(from 2004 till 2011)

(1) On the neurological and psychological basis of philosophy of mind: The case study of theory of mind.Foreign Language Teaching, 2012(1).

(2) Universality of processing advantage for subject relative clause:An ERP study of Chinese relative clauses,Linguistic Sciences,2011(1): 1-20.

(3) On the verbs’ valence continuum: The pragmatical principles of modern Chinese verbs.Journal of Huazhong Normal University (Humanities and Social Sciences), 2011(5).

(4) Neurolinguistics: A frontier subject characterized by multi-disciplines’ blending, appearing in China’s Social Sciences(Weekly), April 22, 2010.

(5) The cognitive development of Chinese catchwordshanzhai.Foreign Languages Research,2010(2):14-19.

(6) Verbs’ complexities and their effects on speeches’ processing: A review of aphasic studies.Wuhan University Journal(Humanity Sciences),2010(6):767-773.

(7) The superiority of processing Chinese object-extracted relative clause:Evidence from aphasic studies.Linguistic Sciences, 2010 (3): 225-243.

(8) The biological mechanism of language.Foreign Languages in China,2010(2): 38-45.

(9) A comparative study of mirror writing by normal participants and aphasic patients:A new perspective.Linguistic Sciences,2008(1): 18-25.

(10) The selective restriction of Chinese double object constructions.Studies in Language and Linguistics, 2008 (1): 84-88.

(11) The quantity effect and quality effect of Verb Valency:The evidence from the study of Chinese aphasia.Applied Linguistics, 2007 (1): 102-110.

(12) The zero-valence verb in a Language: From the perspective of logical valence.Foreign Languages Research,2006(1): 7-10.

(13) Grammatical disorders in aphasia: A survey of the literature abroad.Contemporary Linguistics, 2005(4): 338-357.

(14)On Noam Chomsky’s lexicon.Journal of Southwest University For Nationalities (Humanities & Social Sciences),2004(1): 274-278。

(15) Sigmund Freud’s aphasic study.Applied Linguistics, 2004 (1): 78-87.

B. Books

(1)On Linguage Theories and Language Diorders. Beijing: China Social Sciences Publishing House, 2010.

(2)English Greetings in Western Culture (Co-author).Wuhan: Wuhan University Press, 2001

(3)English Pragmatics (Co-author).Wuhan:Huazhong Normal University, 2007

Academic Projects and Funds

(1) In charge of the projectThe Study of English and Chinese Relative Clauses’ Processing (2014)aided by China’s Ministry of Education for Philosophy and Social Sciences.

(2) In charge of the projectThe Study of Chinese Verbs’ Valence from the Neuropsychological Perspective(2006-2008)aided by China’s National Fund for Philosophy and Social Sciences.

(3) In charge of the projectThe Study of Chinese Relative Clauses’ Processing (2009)aided by Hubei Provincial Fund for Philosophy and Social Sciences, with 8000 RMB.

(4) In charge of the projectThe Neuropsychological Study of Small Clauses’ Pivotal Position in Chinese Language(2006-2008)aided by The Language Education & Research Centre of Huazhong Normal University, with 10000 RMB.

(5) Participating in the major projectAn Investigation of Chinese Language’s Status Quo in 20thCentury(2007-2011)aided by China’s State Education Commission, with 300000RMB.

Professional honors, awards and fellowships

(1) “Guanghua Scholarship” awarded in 1994, Shandong University;

(2) “Excellent Teacher in Scientific Research” awarded in 1997, Hubei Institute for Nationalities;

(3) “Excellent Teacher in Teaching and Research” awarded in 2011, Huazhong Normal University.