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时间:2014-08-25 17:13来源:未知作者:admin点击:
教师简介: 高晓芳 1965 年 2 月出生,湖北恩施人。 1986 年毕业于华中师范大学(原华中师范学院)外语系英语语言文学专业(学士); 1988 年毕业于华中师范大学外语系英语语言文学专




I. 求学经历


1.         1982.9-1986.7华中师范大学英语系,学士


2.         1986.9-1988.7华中师范大学英语系,硕士


3.         1995.9-1996.10 英国纽卡素尔大学国际教育研究中心,硕士


4.         2002.9-2005.7 中国传媒大学语言学系,博士


II. 工作经历


1.         198811-19915月,助教


2.         19916-199811月,讲师


3.         199812-200512月,副教授


4.         2006年至今,教授


II. 讲授课程






III. 研究领域与兴趣


1. 语用学理论与实证研究


2. 中国外语教育史


3. 语篇分析学


4. 跨文化交际


5. 会语言学


IV. 主要学术成果(2004-


1.       Contrastive Analysis of Hedges in a Sample of Chinese and English Molecular Biology Papers, Psychological Reports (SSCI来源期刊), 2004 (5).


2.       元代外语教育说略,《外语教学与研究》,2005 (2).


3.       《晚清洋务学堂的外语教育研究》北京:商务印书馆,2007.


4.       Teacher Immediacy Scales: Testing for Validity across Cultures, Communication Education (美国), 2007 (2).


5.       A Further Test of Immediacy-Learning Models: A Cross-Cultural Investigation, Journal of Intercultural Communication Research ( USA ), 2007 (1).


6.       Teacher Immediacy Scales: Testing for Validity across Cultures [J], Communication Education ( USA ), 2007 (2).


7.       A Further Test of Immediacy-Learning Models: A Cross-Cultural Investigation [J], Journal of Intercultural Communication Research ( USA ), 2007 (1).


8.       《英语语用学》武汉华中师范大学出版社2008.


9.       外语及其相关术语的演变考《学术研究》,2009 (3).


10.   《新编综合英语》(第5册学生用书;高等院校英语课程“十二五”规划系列教材),武汉:华中师范大学出版社,2011年。


11.   《新编综合英语》(第5册教师用书;高等院校英语课程“十二五”规划系列教材),武汉:华中师范大学出版社,2011年。


12.   Negative Pragmatic Transfer in Chinese Students’ Complimentary Speech Acts [J], Psychological ReportsSSCI),20121.


13.   A Post-Practicum Exploration of Microteaching Practice in Pre-Service Teacher Education in a Normal University [A], Proceedings of the Second Northeast Asia International Symposium on Language, Literature and Translation [C] (CPCI). Georgia : The American Scholars Press , USA , 2012.


14.   A Study on Language Factors Affecting Speech Production in College English Learning [A] , Proceedings of the Second Northeast Asia International Symposium on Language, Literature and Translation [C] (CPCI). Georgia : The American Scholars Press , USA , 2012.


15.   Language Standardization in China (translation), Language Situation in China (2005), Berlin : De Gruyter Mouton , Germany , 2012.


16.   Standardization of Scientific Terms in China (translation), Language Situation in China (2005), Berlin : De Gruyter Mouton , Germany , 2012.


17.   A Multimodal Discourse Analysis of Movie Poster [A], Proceedings of the 2nd Annual International Conference on Language, Literature & Linguistics [C]. Global Science and Technology Forum , Singapore , 2013.


18.   Interpretation of Movie Posters from the Perspective of Multimodal Discourse Analysis [J], GSTF Journal of Education, Singapore , 2013 (1).


19.   Assessing Instruments and Their Application in Empirical Studies of Interlanguage Pragmatics in China [A], Proceedings of the Third Northeast Asia International Symposium on Language, Literature and Translation [C] (CPCI), Georgia : The American Scholars Press , U.S.A. , 2014.


20.   Investigating Business English Majors’ Pragmatic Failures: From Speech Acts in Business Context Perspective [A], Proceedings of the Third Northeast Asia International Symposium on Language, Literature and Translation [C] (CPCI), Georgia : The American Scholars Press , U.S.A. , 2014.


21.   Blended Learning Mode: How Well Are Our English Language Learners Adapted [A] Proceedings of the 3rd Annual International Conference on Language, Literature & Linguistics [C]. Global Science and Technology Forum , Singapore , 2014.


22.   Varieties of English, Pedagogic Practice and Implications [A] Proceedings of the 4th Annual International Conference on Language, Literature & Linguistics [C]. Global Science and Technology Forum , Singapore , 2015.


23.   ‘How to speak decently as a player?’ A Pragmatic Analysis of Hedges in Postgame Interviews [A] Proceedings of the 4th Annual International Conference on Language, Literature & Linguistics [C]. Global Science and Technology Forum , Singapore , 2015.


24.   Interpreting the Interpersonal Grammatical Metaphor in Nobel Speeches in Literature, GSTF Journal of Education, Singapore , 2015 (3).


25.   Exploring the Expectation Differences of Teachers’ Roles in English MA Class Presentation, Teacher Development, 2016, 1(20), 92-105.


V. 科研项目(2011-


1.       主持中国语言文字标准化工作译介”—教育部国家语委十二五科研规划2011年度委托项目(编号:WT125-141)),2012-2013年;


2.       主持校级在线网络课程建设项目高级综合英语A2012年;


3.       主持命题目的、论证及试用报告子项目2012年度教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目:语言测试的评价标准研究(编号:12JJD740002),2012-2015年;


4.       主持校级“混合式教学模式改革项目高级综合英语B”,2013年;


5.       主持校级“免费师范生教育硕士在线网络课程建设项目语用学与社会语言学”,2013-2014


6.       主持研究生PBL小组课堂展示教学模式中的教师角色研究” —湖北省教育厅教研项目(研究生专项),2014-2016年;


7.       参与“信息化环境下师生教学适应性研究”华中师范大学教学研究项目,2013-2014年。




2.       2010-2011年度教学工作优秀奖”“一等奖2012


3.       2011-2012学年度第十四届桂子山学生科研园丁奖,2012


4.       华中师范大学优秀实习指导教师称号,2014


5.       湖北省优秀学士学位论文指导教师,2014


6.       湖北省优秀学士学位论文指导教师,2015


7.       “未来教育家培养计划”优秀指导教师,2015


8.       华中师范大学首届本科教学创新“二等奖”(排名2),2015


